Use our free House Finder Service to connect with agents that will help you find the perfect property and already accept Housing Hand as a guarantor.
It's simple, just update your preferences and we'll show you all the agents that we work with that have properties in your chosen area that match. You can then follow up with them directly to find your new home.
Changing city? Need more bedrooms than you first thought? No problem, you can login to your account with us at any time and update your preferences to show a new list of agents that can help you.
Update your preferences
- Location: Where are you looking to move to? Start typing an address in this field and choose the best option from what Google Maps offers.
- Distance from location: Choose between 1 and 5 miles here. It will use the address you entered for your location as the centre most point and then search for agents that have properties within the amount of miles entered.
- Maximum Rental amount: What's the most you are prepared to pay for rent?
- Minimum Rental Amount: What's the least you want to pay?
- Monthly or Weekly: Are the above rental amounts weekly or monthly values?
- Number of bedrooms: How many bedrooms do you need?
- Furniture: Are you looking for furnished or unfurnished? If you are flexible please choose multiple options.
- Type of tenant: Are you a student or working professional? This is important and will match you with the right agents.
Your Agents
Once you submit your preferences, your House Finder Service Dashboard will refresh and update. If your submission matches with any agents we have on record, you will see a list of all the agents that operate in your chosen area, providing their email address and telephone number if we have it on record.
If no agents show, try searching again using a different location or by changing your preferences.
- Contact: Email an agent directly to enquire about their properties
- Delete: Not interested in this agent? Delete them from your dashboard.