We charge a £10 renewal fee to renew your application. This fee is required upfront, when you request to renew, and is used to process your application, including making all the necessary ID checks and confirming your tenancy details with your accommodation provider.
The fee for the service is then the same as if you were applying for the first time:
The cost of the service for renewal applications:
Our pricing structure is split into rent bands to make pricing easier.
What is your share of the monthly rent for your property? Whichever band your rent falls into, for example your rent might fall between £400 and £600 per month, you will be able to find the price for both a monthly subscription and the discounted value for paying upfront.
For all tenancies between 6 and 12 months in length, the monthly subscription would be for 12 months. For all tenancies over 6 months in length, the monthly subscription would be for 6 months. There is no exception to the rule here. If your tenancy is for 8 months, your quote will be for 12 monthly payments, regardless.
Click here to see our price guide.
These prices may vary for those of you who have applied through an affiliate link or partner, as we have deals in place with certain partners to offer discounts on applications.
Contact us if you have a query about payment or pricing.